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What is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui, literally means wind and water. The Chinese have long observed that some surroundings are better then others, and for centuries they have used geomancy to improve the quality of life.

Today, Feng Shui has evolved into a refined art used to enhance luck and well-being through the modifications of layout and orientation of work-places and homes.

The aim of Feng Shui is thus complete harmony and a deep sensitivity with the natural order. It is an ancient Chinese study of the natural environment.

Is there any difference between Feng Shui and Chinese Horoscope?

Feng Shui is the art of `reading' the environment, the site and the specific location in order to find harmony on earth. On the other hand, the Chinese Horoscope looks towards the SKY and STARS for interpretations of happenings on the earth.

What are the basic principles of Feng Shui?

Yin and Yang, the Five Elements, the Chinese Calendar System, the Eight Trigrams, the Chinese Compass Lou Pan, the Environment plus much more; with the ability to understand and combine all these factors towards harmony, health and happiness.

How are the basic principles applied?

Feng Shui is based upon a set of theories and relationships and the harmonising relationships between the `Heavenly' stems or commonly called the Five Elements (Wood, Metal, Fire, Earth and Water) and 12 `Earthly' branches (Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Ram, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig) and the relationship with it's environment and intangible forces.

What is involved in a survey of the home?

A Feng Shui practitioner makes an appointment to view the site and record observations of the landscape, the site and the property. He takes a compass reading of the site to determine the energy characteristics, any adverse distrubance of the natural order and it's resultant effects on the building's occupants. He does calculations for the occupants with the aim of balancing and harmonising the environment for the occupants.

What else can I apply Feng Shui to?

Feng Shui can also be applied to the survey of an entire nation, land parcels, buildings, the office, apartments and factories.

How many schools of Feng Shui are there? Are they the same?


Feng Shui and You

In general, Feng Shui can be classified into three schools of thought:

1. The Shapes and Form School.

It is the earliest form of Feng Shui and takes into account environmental scanning i.e. the landscape, the site and the home. Many of the these theories are "Rules of Thumb" and basically commonsense.

For example, the site must have good drainage, dry and with clean top-soil.

2. The Eight Houses Theory.

This is a static look at the intangible forces that `flows' into a house and it's effects on the occupants of a home. This theory when combined with the Shapes and Form School makes it easy for a `lay person' to evaluate a house of their choice or to correct any adverse `bad influences'. This theory DOES take into account Pakua and the LuoShu Grid and this is commonly also called the `PakuaLuoShu Grid'.

3. The Flying Star Theory.

The Flying Star Theory takes into account the dynamic nature of the element of time which is not stagnant. This is the most challenging theory to learn and apply. (Provided you are able to apply it correctly).

Is Feng Shui a religion?

Feng Shui is not related to any religions practices or belief. It originated from an ancient Chinese agricultural based society with the purpose of harmony of human beings with nature.

I understand that you place the toilet in the bad luck corner - to get rid of bad luck?

To be precise, the toilet should be placed in the North position. As the North `belongs' to the water element. Unfortunately nowadays, one cannot really afford to design our own house and place the toilet in the North position. Likewise, our house may have more than one toilet. What happens? On the other hand, the `ideal' spot for the  kitchen (Fire element) is in the South.

It is not correct to say that you place the toilet in the bad luck corner to get rid of bad luck. This is a common fallacy. The most logical explanation is that you spent the least amount of time in the toilet and therefore `site' the `bad luck' corner in this location. I am not sure if anyone wants to spent. 8 hours a day in the toilet. *Joke* Instead, one is likely to spent more time e.g. in the bedroom or the living room. It is best to have the `good' locations here.

Can Feng Shui grant me success in life?

Nobody can guarantee you success! Instead a person must not only work hard but smart, be prudent of his surroundings. This is one step towards success. Don't be fooled by anyone saying the contrary - take it with a pinch of salt!

An interesting comment from a reader:-
`I'm just a beginner at Feng Shui but find the whole process fascinating, and more because it really does shift things - if only to get rid of clutter!' - The author agrees!

What is the purpose of this site?

Fun with Feng Shui !, into it's 3rd Edition aims to be a highly informative reference guide covering all aspects of Feng Shui for architects, interior designers, students and everyone interested in finding out more about Feng Shui.

This site does not make an attempt to "replace" a good Feng Shui Master but merely allow a better understanding and appreciation of what goes "behind" the advice given by Feng Shui Masters many of whom simply tells you to position your bed here, your furniture there. Do you know why?

How to tell a `Fake' practioner of Feng Shui?

This is a tough question! *gulp* One method is through "word of mouth" and through references and projects that they had completed.

Frankly there are few expert Feng Shui Masters around and they are usually involved in large projects only.

Many others are considered practioners or `trainee' practioners; depending on their years of experience and their degree of `absorption' and ability to interpret and analyse the vast amounts of information as "accurate as possible" (Unfortuantely, no one can measure this!).

At the extreme end are the `smooth talkers' or the `con' or `fake' practioners only out to gain $$$$! Again, choose wisely!



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